Wednesday, August 8, 2018

August 8th 2018

This posting is coming to you from a small town, Kaycee, WY  with a population of 263 people and 26300000 flies. It has served as a stopover from the Tetons on our way to the Bighorn Valley.

Yellowstone is a geological wonder. You think you know about a place until you are there. Of course no visit to the park would be complete without a sighting of Old Faithful, but that is truly just a beginning of the world that is Yellowstone. Bison, bears, elk, and antelope roam freely, geysers 
bubble and send steam flumes, mud pots boil. The beauty of the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone was awe inspiring to see. Lakes, streams, waterfalls all a part of the beauty of our first National Park.
We shared this portion of our journey with our very dear friends Chris and Eric. They made quite the effort to spend the week with us and what a wonderful time we all had. The trailer was comfortable for the 4 of us and we provided the best of sleeping accommodations. Pullout sofa sleeper with blow up mattress on top. Meals maybe made up for that as we wined and dined in the style we have become accustomed to. Life on the road is very rewarding. Just the 2 of us, constantly depending on each other and realizing we make a good team. However, friends to share this adventure with has meant the world to us. Off they went, back to Portland on on we traveled to the Tetons.
We had a great site while in the Tetons, Colter Bay RV Park, 200 yards to a beautiful beach and views of the Tetons in every direction. We found ourselves hiking, boating, touring, and sometimes just sitting on the beach reflecting upon the sights and smells of the high country. On one of our hikes, up to the Cathedrals, we spotted our first moose. At first, all that was noticeable was his rack as he rested in the grass. After hiking up a bit further and upon our return, he was beginning to stir. We waited for him to get up so we could appreciate his full size and beauty. We were not disappointed.

A lazy day on the snake river gave us a 10 mile adventure to view the Tetons from a different perspective. A bald eagle sat watch over us as we traveled the water. We spent one afternoon in our boat on Colter Bay and explored some of the inlets and views. Fires in California has impacted the views of the mountains, but their majesty is unmistakable.
An evening out found us at the Bar J Ranch for a chuck wagon dinner and cowboy entertainment. Food was great and the evening was a blast. Exploring Jackson Hole gave us an in town adventure.
Beautiful galleries and shops (with prices to match) and a memory revisited. Don has long talked about the Cowboy Bar where the bar seats were all saddles. Last visit there was 1972! Fortunately the bar remains much the same but now we saddled up to the bar with legit ID.

Tomorrow the journey continues into the Bighorn Valley, Custer's Last Stand, and fly fishing as we float the Bighorn river. Stay tuned.

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